Monday, January 24, 2011

Choosing the Best Acne Scar Removal Products

Acne is one of the most difficult skin problems which people have to endure. Sometimes there are scars left on the skin even after the problem of acne has been taken care of. There are many teenagers as well as adults who have acne scars on their skin and this lowers their self confidence and also gives them a feeling of degradation. If you are one such person, don't worry there are many acne scar removal products to completely remove your scar.


There are many different methods and acne scar removal products, which have been devised for the removal of acne scars but not all these methods have proven to be completely effective in the process of acne scars removal.

The process of removal of acne scars on the skin can prove to be very challenging mainly because the scars will come in the deepest layers of the skin. There are many people who are afflicted with very severe cases of acne and this will affect the innermost layers of the skin and also create an impact on the skin tissue and cause lesions. There are many people who are suffering from acne who have only very mild scars while there are some people suffering from acne who have very severe lesions which have ruined their appearance and complexion. These types of scars can easily be removed with acne scar removal products.

Many people suffering from acne resort to the usage of acne scar removal products like makeup and concealer, which help them in hiding their scars. But they should also understand that this is only a temporary solution and this will not take care of the problem in all respects. Laser treatment, chemical peels, Dermabrasion, acne scar removal creams and lotions and application of Vitamin E to the skin are some of the most common methods of the removal of acne scars. This is also known to help in the healing of the skin tissues.

A high-powered laser is another acne scar removal product to treat acne scar. Laser treatment is used to remove the layer of the skin, which has been damaged. The middle layer is made tighter so that the skin can heal. Special chemicals and tools are used in the process of chemical peeling and Dermabrasion in order to remove the outermost layer of the skin. This will also pave the way for new and fresh skin cells, which will also help in reducing the appearance of acne scars.

Vitamin E as well as acne scar removal creams and lotions are some of the other acne scar removal products which are applied on the skin in order to make the acne scars on the skin fade away.

But not all these methods are effective at all points in time. All these methods and acne scar removal products may not help in the removal of acne scars.  Laser treatments, chemical peels and Dermabrasion are only providing a temporary solution and the acne scars can become visible once again. The products, which are meant for the removal of acne scars, are given a lot of publicity and they are not as effective as they promise.

People who want acne scar removal products, which are not very complicated, should realize that there are very few products, which contain the right ingredients that will actually treat the acne scars and also help in providing a glowing complexion. There are many products which contain fruit and vegetable extracts like blueberry, pomegranate, Goji, grape seed extract, hydrolyzed elastin, and soluble collagen which will give your skin a whole new life.


Best Acne Scar Treatment - Choosing Between the Main 3 Methods

If you are looking for the best acne scar treatment, you should keep reading. Sometimes, eliminating acne alone is not a real success. Some people end up with a new problem, scarring. This problem can be a real serious for them.

Finding the best acne scar treatment is not always easy. You need to make some careful research for it. Acne marks cannot be eliminated so easily, even though you are using the most expensive therapy.

There are many kinds of treatments available for you. You can choose between laser treatment, cream, or natural method. You can choose the best acne scar treatment for yourself.

The Main 3 Methods

Laser treatment is the most expensive method. To eliminate your marks using laser treatment, you need to spend thousands of dollars. Not only that, you need several laser treatment sessions before you start seeing result. Laser resurfacing is suitable for you who can afford the cost.

Scar removal cream is another alternative treatment for you. Although the cost may still expensive, this cream might suitable for you who want simplicity.

But, as with using cream, it often uses processed natural compositions. Therefore, it might be less effective and this is recommended only to cure a light scar.

The very last method is using fully natural method. This method is extremely cheaper and safe. If we compare with others, natural method has no dangerous side effects at all.

The Best Acne Scar Treatment - In Perspective

If you are looking for the cost effectiveness and risk free, natural method can be the best alternative to cure your acne scar completely.

By using natural method, you will not need to visit the doctor and wasting money on expensive treatments or creams. It is also easy to make your own natural remedy to eliminate your scars effectively from the comfort of your own home.


Natural Remedy for Acne Treatment During Pregnancy

Acne can simply be cured by means of medication, but can you apply acne treatment during pregnancy? Acne is experience starting your adolescence life. It would simply ruin your day, your life, and your self esteem. Acne worsens in so many cases especially when you are pregnant. Unfortunately this is such a huge problem for women. There are natural remedies that you can use that will prohibit you from having one.


Natural remedy for acne treatment during pregnancy

Water treatment; Wash your face with water two times a day the most. If you over washed the tendency is the natural oil that the skin needs is washed away with water. Use tea tree oil for the blemishes on the skin. Drink a lot water 8-10 glasses a day to flush down all the toxins away from your body. This process would help you have a gloomy skin and it is good for digestion.

Watch what you eat; Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, keep away from fatty foods and spices. This would worsen your acne. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and mineral that would help you detoxify your body and your skin. Healthy foods are good for you and for your baby.

Vitamin intake; you are allowed to take vitamins when you are pregnant. Drink vitamin B complex. It would help your acne get better.

Make use of the things that you can find in your kitchen to Treat Acne During Pregnancy

  • Boil some milk. Then add nutmeg, crushed. Apply the mixture on acne for 2 hours. And it will disappear without leaving a mark.
  • Get 1 tablespoon of lime juice mix with groundnut oil. Apply to skin to prevent blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Mix lime juice and boiled milk. Set aside until it cools down. Make use of it wash your face to prevent pimples and dry skin.
  • Apply papaya juice include its skin to your swelled pimples.
  • Mix honey and cinnamon powder until its texture is pasty. Apply this on the face before going to sleep. And the next morning rinse it off with warm water to prevent pimples.
  • Get a garlic and rub it on your pimple and it will disappear.
  • Find a tomato and cucumber pulp. Apply it to the acne for an hour then rinse.
  • Make an orange peel and mash it until the texture is pasty. Apply it on the skin for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with water.
  • Apply fresh mint juice on the face before going to bed to prevent pimples and acne problem.


Acne Treatment For Sensitive Skin - 3 Methods For Caring For Your Skin Sensitivity Issues

You have quite a selection in terms of acne treatment for sensitive skin. In addition to using an acne lotion that is suitable for individuals with sensitive skin you might also want to use a soap to deal with body acne that is appropriate for dealing with skin sensitivity.

What's more, there are some holistic things you can do to deal with acne that will not hurt your skin. Such methods include:

  • The Use of L-Carnitine
  • The Use of Niacinamide Gel
  • The Use of Vitamin A
The Use of L-Carnitine

L-Carnitine, sometimes simply identified as Carnitine, is a supplement that helps improve the body's circulatory processes and the strength of the vascular system. This supplement is found naturally in foods like peanut butter, wheat, lamb, poultry, avocados, and fish. Researchers have revealed that supplementing L-Carnitine can help remedy issues with dry skin too. You can take three grams of this supplement each day to remedy acne problems.

The Use of Niacinamide Gel

Niacinamide is an ingredient in some skin gels that helps to diminish issues with dry skin and acne. You will want a product that contains four percent Niacinamide to gain its full effect. You can use the gel up to two times each day to deal with acne without aggravating your skin.

The Use of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is found in Retinol products used to deal with acne formations. Supplementing Vitamin A in your diet will also help your skin condition improve. You can eat foods containing a lot of this vitamin including things like peaches, apricots, squash, carrots, mangos, and sweet potatoes. Alternatively, you can take it in capsule form and use 700 to 900 micromilligrams each day to improve your skin condition.


Blue Light Acne Treatment: The Best Solution in Treating Acne

Almost everyone, aging from 13 to 40 years of age, is not spared from having problems with acne. Even I was not spared. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when there is a buildup of oil (sebum) blocked under the skin. This oil stimulates bacteria to multiply causing the tissues around it to get inflamed which lead to pimple occurring on the outer surface of the skin. Some would blame it on unstable hormones, oily food and stress but the actual cause of this is not certain. The good news is, gone were the days when a person has to undergo painful acne treatment.imagdsdss

Traditional treatment of acne would include having to endure the pricking of pimples to take out the white heads, blackheads and injections to extract the pus out from the bigger and stubborn zit. Zealous daily cleansing and application of topical ointment is then required. Others were given oral prescriptions and even advised to stay out of the glaring sun. So much fuss and so much hassle! Nowadays comparative studies have shown that the best solution to acne problem is Blue Light Acne treatment. This FDA approved blue light therapy is getting worldwide advertisement and recognition due to the high percentage of effective and painless treatments done on a big number of patients.

I would like to explain how this treatment works. A bacterium in our skin produces a product called Porphyrin which can absorb blue light. Once it absorbs this light, it will lead to a chemical reaction that destroys the bacteria that causes acne. Patients who come to me for Blue Light Acne treatment will certainly find it very comfortable and painless. Typically, a regular package would include eight 15-mins session of exposure to the light for a month's time. After each short session, patients can always go back to work or any normal routine without feeling any discomfort. There is no lesion on the skin thus it is painless. After a month of treatment, you will notice a lot of improvements and even clearing up in your skin.

There are some very slight side effects in this acne treatment like few skin pigment occurrences, stinging, swelling and skin dryness. All of which were found to be temporary.

So many people are coming to me because of the proven benefits and effective results brought by Blue Light Acne treatment. If you are having stubborn acne problems, you can be assured that it can now be easily treated.


Best Over the Counter Acne Treatment - Your Guide to Getting the Best Treatment For Your Acne

If you make your way down to the pharmacy, most probably the number of choices of over the counter acne treatment products will overwhelm you. I tend to avoid products that use harsh chemicals on our skin, therefore I prefer to look for effective natural products. Over here, I will walk you through to help you select the right product for your acne so read on.

The first thing you need to do is to know your skin type. Most acne products are catered to different types of skin type, most notably dry or oily skin. Try to avoid products that contain alcohol as they can strip your skin of moisture and leave it dry.

I recommend that you look for products that contain aloe vera or tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial disinfectant and it is commonly use as an antiseptic. With its antibacterial properties, applying it on acne can kill the bacteria that cause it in the first place.

Aloe vera is another great ingredient that you can look out for. Even though it can't heal acne by itself, it can help to reduce swelling and redness. Both of these ingredients can help greatly in curing acne.

Another great natural ingredient by itself is Manuka honey. Manuka honey is a great antiseptic and it has antibacterial properties. Choose one that has high UMF (highest is 20), which means the antibacterial properties are stronger. You can apply it on your acne directly and eating the Manuka honey itself can help to strengthen your immune system.

Before you head straight to the pharmarcy and start your buying spree, I advise you to invest in upgrading your knowledge about acne first. I spent thousands of dollars buying acne products and treatments but ended up with only a hole in my pocket without curing my acne.

Most people only seek for over the counter products to help them cure their acne but this is an incomplete system. You need to adopt a holistic approach in order to cure your acne fast and permanently. This usually includes making changes to your diet and getting your body back into balance again.

To learn more holistic treatment for acne, I highly recommend that you invest in the ebook by Mike Walden titled Acne No More. Through his 5 unique steps of holistic acne treatment, I cured my acne forever in just 4 weeks time.


What Is the Best Treatment for Acne?

Is there an effective treatment of acne by a medical practitioner or dermatologists? In this era; is the alternative solution to cure acne naturally a myth or fact? Do you believe that there is a miracle instant cure by administering conventional drugs and creams on the superficial symptoms? The fact is acne, among other diseases cannot be cured simply.

However, most suffers with acne problems would still approach dermatologist for treatment. Dermatologists are respected by most people as specialist in their field. Their solution to most suffer is by tackling the problem on external symptom and they cannot tell the patients what the causes of the acne but they are highly the result of overactive oil glands in our skin.

Contrary, a Chinese physician believe it is the internal conditions of Yin and Yang imbalance that causes the "heat" in the internal organs, which cause your acne to form outside your body, particularly your face in the first place. If you do not agree with me do your own research and check with your dermatologist.
There is a saying in Chinese idiom; "to clear the grasses without getting rid of its root, the grasses will grow again when summer winds blow". This is the wonderful analogy best describing the western principle of clinical treatment to acne.

Since the source of the problem; the root cause affecting acne growth externally is not eliminated. Clinical treatment is not an effective cure of the acne permanently; it will relapse in on time.

Everyone seems to be contented with the finding ways to "control acne" or "live with acne" as a chronic sickness. No one is out to cure anyone because there is only little monetary incentive in doing so. Instead, by keeping you temporary cured that deal merely with the symptoms while ignoring the source or the internal cause of the disease is really anyone out to do for you these days. By doing so, sufferers will become more and more reliant on drugs that temporarily calm the symptoms; they are being forced to buy all the same drugs and creams over and over again... If somebody shows you how to cure acne... they would not have made much money out from you, right?

I do not know about you, but for me I do not want to have to depend on some big drug company to keep my face radiant and healthy just so that I can give them more of my hard earned money every month, jolly know that there isn't drug to "cure".

Today, the treatment of Acne by Drugs brings in multi million $ every single day worldwide for doctors, dermatologist and pharmaceutical companies.
With this kind of money at stake, big pharma company is going to silence the information about the "Natural" cure and alternatives treatment.


What is the Best Acne Product?

Nearly everyone at one point in their lives suffer from acne be it a one-off, mild, moderate or severe form of acne.

Acne occurs primarily at the adolescent stage with hormones and sebaceous glands (sebum - excess oil) on overdrive mode. When there is excess oil on the face, the pores become blocked resulting in acne of these common forms: blackheads (when pores are partially blocked), whiteheads (when pores are fully blocked), nodules (coin sized hard bumps under the skin) and cysts (like nodules, except filled with pus). Acne can also occur on the back, shoulders and chest.

As common as acne occurs, it is as common that hormones stabilize for most people by their early 20s which means no more acne; though some might be left with post battle scars. For females, there may be a once in a blue moon occurrence during the menstrual cycles. However there are also some people who suffer from acne way past their adolescent stage. This can be a permanent issue and can have devastating effects both physically and mentally.

It is IMPORTANT to note here though that whether it is a mild, moderate or severe form of acne, ALL ACNE FORMS CAN BE TREATED and kept under check.

For severe forms of acne, it is always best to consult with a dermatologist who will be able to prescribe specific medications (i.e.accutane) based on your acne form. For moderate to mild forms of acne, made-for-acne products like Proactiv, Zenmed or drugstore brands like Neutrogena or Biore should suffice. That said, one must remember no one acne product is a miracle cure despite the claims.

An acne product can help prevent acne but to be rid of acne means looking after your 'insides'. Eliminating acne consists of 2 steps in tandem: best acne product + healthy diet = Healthy Glowing Skin.


Best Non Prescription Acne Treatment - Why it Does Not Work

Prescription acne treatment is widely used to treat acne but they are not a true solution for acne. Using prescription treatment means that you will be using various drugs to help deal with you acne. Most of these drugs only deal with problems such as removing blackheads, white heads, killing acne bacteria or drying out your skin but they usually consist of side effects and they are not effective as a long term cure.imagedss

There are prescription drugs such as Accutane that consist of retin-A. Accutane can help to keep your skin acne free as they stop sebum production, keep away blackheads and whiteheads which make it impossible for acne to happen. However they consist of severe side effects like dry skin, redness on skin, chapped lips and etc. Your acne also can reappear after you stop using this drug.

Another popular prescription drug would be antibiotic. Antibiotics is can only help to kill off the bacteria that causes acne. However they also kill the good bacteria that are essential for a healthy body. Antibiotics also does not help in the long run since bacteria may evolve and you will need to take higher dosage each time your acne break out.

As you can see that prescription acne treatment such as using antibiotics or Accutane will not be able to help you cure your acne in the long run. Once you stop taking these drugs, acne will resurface once again. The main causes of acne are namely hormonal imbalance, clogging of pores and toxins build up in the body. The drugs are not able to touch these issues and it is only through using holistic methods that you can get rid of the causes and acne once and for all.

What you have to do to get rid of hormonal imbalance is not by taking antibiotics or any other drugs, the first thing you need to do is to keep a lookout on what you are eating. Most people are eating a junk food diet nowadays and it can cause disruption to the harmony in our body. Eating meat that are injected with steroids and antibiotics can cause disruption to our body inner balance and hence leading to acne. Milk also contains hormones from pregnancy cows and when ingested, it can disrupt our hormones level.

Instead of thinking about taking prescription acne treatment, try to adopt the holistic way of healing and start by looking at what you eat. Avoid eating meat, dairy products and foods that contain high sugar content. Replace these foods with natural foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. The only way to get rid of acne is to get rid of the main causes and it is only possible by trying to heal your body using holistic methods.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blackheads on the Nose and How to Get Rid of Them

If you are reading this then you probably have blackheads on the nose and are probably wondering how to get rid of them. Today I'm going to talk a little bit about what works best for me when dealing with blackheads on the nose. Keep in mind that everybody's skin is different, but I think that the tips I'm about to give you will help you no matter what.

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For those of you that are wondering, blackheads are closed pores that appear on your nose but can also appear on other parts of your face and body. They usually feel hard or bumpy and could sometimes be scraped with your fingernails. Blackheads on the nose are a particularly difficult problem because the skin on the nose is very deep, making blackheads on the nose difficult to extract.

First off make sure to exfoliate. It doesn't take too much effort. All you have to do is use a facial scrub product a couple of times a week. I personally have sensitive skin and can only use it every other day.

Another important tool to be aware of is a manual extractor. It can be purchased at Target or Walmart or other similar stores and is usually made of stainless steel. This tool is great for blackheads on the nose. Just make sure to clean it properly after each use. The best time to use this tool is right after the shower or after washing your face. It is at this time that your pores are open the most and that you are most likely to be able to extract blackheads properly.

A very important tip is to not apply too much pressure using this tool. Doing so can damage your skin and lead to further breakouts. It may even inflame some of the blackheads so that they turn into full-blown pimples. Remember that blackheads on the nose are hardly noticeable to others and are much better to have than inflamed acne.

I have learned over the course of many years how to properly treat my skin. Blackheads are very different from other types of pimples. Believe it or not I no longer use any type of acne medication on my skin. I instead use natural products that are easy on my skin. Blackheads on the nose are no match for my new regimen. To find out more information on what I used to get me clear, please check out my resource box below. Good luck on your journey toward clear skin!


Acne Scars Fade - Is It Really Possible?

Acne scars are a nightmare for anyone, whether they are conscious of how they look or not. They find themselves asking the same question again and again, "Is it possible to get rid of these acne scars?", "Is there any treatment that can help these acne scars fade?", "Should I go to the market and ask them about a cream to help these acne scars fade?" and many other such questions.

Although, getting acne scars fade is the most important thing for those who suffer from it but what they don't know is that acne scars to fade depends entirely on the severity of those scars. Those who are intelligent enough to do a little research come to know that it is impossible for the scars to fade on their own. To get rid of the scars than you need to adopt some discoloration method or scar fading techniques like microdermabrasion, laser treatment, skin treatment etc. However, most of these methods and techniques are extremely expensive and not everyone is able to afford the cost.
But here are some quick points that you should keep in mind when dealing with acne scars.

• These scars are a common occurrence for those who have an oily skin. You should make sure not to wash your face too much. It only causes your skin to dry and in turn produce more oil which becomes the cause of acne. So use a cleanser but avoid washing your face frequently.
• Acne scars can fade by applying the mixture of lemon juice and water on the affected area twice a day. Make sure that you leave the mixture on the area for few minutes. Keep in mind that this is a slow process and you will not see any immediate difference.
• Oily skin needs to be handled with care and exfoliated frequently. There are many products available in market that claim to do the job for you but nothing works better then baking soda. Take a small amount of baking soda and mix it with water to make a paste. If you apply this paste on your skin and rub gently over it for no more then 30-45 seconds you will get the result you are looking for.
• Another useful homemade tip for you the usage of olive oil and rosehip seed oil. Clinical research has shown that if you use these oils several times a day you will see an definite improvement.
Seeing your acne scars fade is a dream that everyone with oily and scared skin shares. With these simple few tricks you can see your acne scars fade at almost zero cost.


Acne Back Cure - These Acne Myths Might Be Hurting Your Chances At a Clear Back

It is extremely frustrating for people to deal with certain conditions that are chronic such as acne. Finding an acne back cure can be challenging if you are not operating on the correct set of facts. There are many beliefs that people have that are simply not true.

Some of these myths include:

• Acne is caused by a poor diet, and if you have acne, then you probably live off of junk food or eat nothing but chocolate. While diet can play a certain role in the appearance of your skin, it is not the entire cause of acne.
• Acne is caused by poor hygiene. This means that you are not washing properly or looking after yourself. This is simply not true. Acne is caused by a combination of things, including bacteria, inflammation, infection, and irritation. Irritation of the skin can cause acne to worsen, and may lead to infection.

Understanding that you can do things to improve the appearance of your skin is one of the first steps to achieving an acne back cure. One of the most important things to know is that stress is a large part of skin health. If you are stress out, then you may experience massive and frequent break outs. Finding a way to deal with stress and to manage it is a very important part of skin health.

Exercising regularly is a great way to manage stress. Of course, if you are going to work out and sweat a lot, you will need to wash and clean your skin properly to remove dirt build up and keep your pores clear. You can use one or more skin cleansing products, the most important part of the acne back cure is to exfoliate, to remove the dead skin, then to cleanse deeply and properly. After that, the product can reach deep into the pores and kill the bacteria that causes the infection.

While there are many acne back cure products available, not all of them are effective on all cases. You may need to do some trial and error with various products in order to find the one that is best suited to your particular case. The most important thing to keep in mind above everything else, is to keep up with any regime that you incorporate. One or two treatments is not going to take care of the issue, it is more of an ongoing treatment that you will do each and every day. This is how you get to the root of the problem, not by brushing the surface. Ongoing treatment is the best way to attack the problem from every angle.

In our world, looking your best is of the utmost importance and finding the most effective treatment for an acne back cure can be difficult. If you keep up with treatments, you will find that one day you will look into the mirror and see that you have cleared the problem up, but it is not going to happen overnight.


Information On The Causes And Cures Of Blackheads

A Blackhead is a common skin oddity that occurs mostly in the oily regions of the skin. These regions are the around the nose, the chin and the forehead. This region is popularly known as the T-zone. The dead skin cells and dust get accumulated on the surface of the skin and mix with the excess oils and this clogs the pores which causes blackheads. There are a certain bacteria that also grow in the pores of the skin infecting it and cause blackheads. There are a number of treatments that can be followed to help get rid of blackheads.

images2 An easy home treatment for the removal of the blackheads is to use steam. You must steam your face for about 5 to 20 minutes. This steam treatment helps to open out the pores. Once this is done you can take a small, blunt metal device and use it to scrap off the blackheads. This treatment can completely remove the condition but is not really a permanent cure. Also it can be a little painful; a lot of you have sensitive skin. Also the entire process is quite time consuming. But once it is done you don't have to worry about it for at least another month or so.

There are a number of products in the market that assure quick cures for skin conditions. But knowing exactly what will help your skin and what wont is important because you can end up doing irreplaceable damage to your skin. Exfoliation is extremely important to ward off this condition. But certain ingredients like salicylic acid and beta-hydroxy acid have been known to effectively remove the impurities clogging your pores. So any products containing these can be helpful. You should try to use cleansers, face washes and scrubs to help in the exfoliation process. These products should contain the salicylic acid and beta-hydroxy acid to give best results. You should also moisturize after the cleaning is done to keep the condition at bay.

There are also blackhead removal strips that are available in the market. These can be applied on the nose. It is sticky and its fibers trap the blackheads in them and once the strip dries and is pulled off the blackheads come off with it. These must be used once a week for the first month and lesser and lesser after that. Unfortunately this condition cannot be cured completely so at regular intervals you will have to use the treatments to have the best results.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cure For Acne - All The Methods That Are Proven To Cure Acne Fast Finally Revealed

Acne may not be a debilitating disorder but it is so annoying that it affects the individual's sense of well-being. Acne results when the pores of the skin are clogged with oily secretion which will then develop into pimples, black and white heads; and even cyst. Cure for acne, such as, prescribed treatment often takes effect only after 4 to 8 weeks or sometimes makes the condition worse.

Your skin specialist or dermatologist may prescribe topical medication (applied to the skin) or oral medication (taken into the mouth). A pregnant woman should refrain from taking oral medicine.
Types of cure for acne:
Over-the-counter (OTC) topical treatments.
OTC lotions are generally mild and gentle. Their active ingredients are basically, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid. They are very effective for mild acne.
Side effects are: skin irritation, dryness and flaking.
Topical treatments requiring prescriptions.
If your acne doesn't have positive reaction to OTC treatments, you need to get a prescription for a stronger topical medicine from your doctor. Stronger lotions are: Tretinoin (Avita, Retin-A, Renova), adapalene (Differin) and tazarotene (Tazorac, Avage).
These topical prescription products are obtained from vitamin A. They promote cell turnover and keeps oil from blocking hair follicles. Topical antibiotics have the potency of killing excess skin bacteria. Optimal result is achieved by a combination of these products.
Side effects are: stinging, burning, redness or peeling.
A short-termed prescription of oral antibiotics is good for mild, moderate to severe cases of acne. They reduced bacteria and ward off inflammation. To prevent antibiotic resistance of patients, doctors gradually withdraw the use of these drugs as soon there is an improvement.
Side effects are: an upset stomach, dizziness or skin discoloration. It also causes sensitivity of skin to the sun reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Deep cysts d not respond to antibiotics. A stronger medication, Isotretinoin (Accutane) is able to scar cystic acne or other types of acne that doesn't respond to other treatments. This is the most effective medicine for the most severe kind of acne. A prescription for the drug is required.
Side effects are: dry eyes, mouth, lips, nose and skin, as well as itching, nosebleeds, muscle aches, sun sensitivity and poor night vision. It increases levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and liver enzyme levels. To a certain extent, the drug heightens the risk of depression and suicide.
Oral contraceptives.
Oral contraceptives which combine norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen) improve women's acne.
Side effects are: headaches, breast tenderness, nausea and depression. It also increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and blood clots.
Laser and light therapy.
Laser treatment is able to damage the oil (sebaceous) glands, reducing their oil production. Light therapy destroys the bacteria causing acne inflammation. They can improve the texture of the skin and makes the scars appeared less prominent.
Negative effects: Uncomfortable and severe sunburn on the skin.
Cosmetic procedures.
Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are good alternatives to control acne. Combine other acne treatment with these cosmetic procedures for lasting effect.
Side effects: severe redness, scaling and blistering, and long-term discoloration of the skin. With this cure for acne, you do not need to suffer the consequences of this unpleasant skin malady.
Thank you for reading my blog

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Natural Acne Scar Removal - Your Better Alternative to Laser Treatment

In most cases, dermatologists and other medical practitioners will have to take into account several parameters before prescribing a specific acne scar removal regimen. Critical considerations include the severity of the scarring, the age of the person, overall health condition, medical history, scarring type and personal preference or choice.

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Mainstream acne mark removal alternatives include dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and chemical peels. However, before you jump on the bandwagon, you have to remember that your best options for acne scar removal are the natural alternatives. These are less invasive and cost effective methods in removing scarring due to skin acne.

People usually resort to stop gap or temporary measures like using concealer and other cosmetic products that mask acne marks. Of course, what these products do is to hide the scarring and they should not be considered as acne marks removal options. Laser skin scar treatments, dermabrasion and chemical peels may only provide temporary solution to your acne scar as these ugly skin marks and blemishes can become visible after undergoing such treatment procedures.

These traditional methods may not be effective or appropriate at all times. In fact, not all acne marks and blemishes can be resolved with the use of these treatment alternatives. You have to remember that these products and treatment procedures may not be your best or most appropriate alternative for your acne scar removal.

The good news is that there are actually products that are proven to be effective and safe alternative in getting rid of unsightly skin acne marks. These are safe and easy-to-use products that can help you get rid of ugly skin marks. Natural method normally includes products that contain vegetable and fruits extracts such as pomegranate, blueberry, grape seed and Goji. Othe common ingredients include soluble elastin and hydrolyzed elastin.


Best Acne Scar Treatment

The Market of acne scar treatment is flooded with huge amount of various products and services from laser treatment to natural remedies. All are claiming to be the best acne scar treatment. In absence of the basic scientific research on these different products and services, it is very difficult to find the best acne scar treatment.

Why you want acne scar treatment?
The most common answer is to restore the appearance of face. So, the best acne scar treatment must revive the person’s original skin. Most of the person, who has acne scar, is always on the hunt of some treatment that gives them back their look of the face before they had acne.
There are some persons who are very much affected, both psychologically and emotionally by the acne scar; on the other hand there are some persons who don’t mind to live with the acne scar.
How to select the best acne scar treatment?
It is not advisable to name a product or service as the best treatment for acne scar. Since individual requirement is different from person to person and all skins are not equal. But there are some guidelines which help in selecting the best treatment for acne scar.
What are the guidelines?
Following are some of the important points, one should consider while selecting the treatment for acne scar.
  1. Inquire about how much the treatment costs. The treatment of acne scar starts from few dollars to thousands of dollars. You must be clear about how much money you are going to spend on the acne scar treatment.
  2. Find out the theory behind the treatment and how it works on your skin. There are some products and services which removes the top layer of your skin, while there are products and services that work by removing the scars.
  3. Before applying any products to your skin, be sure that you are not allergic to it by applying small amount of that product on your skin and watch the reaction for 24 hours.
  4. Don’t be prejudice with a particular acne scar treatment and be skeptical about the tall claims. Avoid the products and services that claims miraculous cure. Also avoid those treatments which are not guaranteed. (I come across a product for acne scar treatment that asks you to apply their product for six months for best results and it has only 3 months guarantee!!) 
Thank you for reading my blog

Best Acne Scar Treatment

The Market of acne scar treatment is flooded with huge amount of various products and services from laser treatment to natural remedies. All are claiming to be the best acne scar treatment. In absence of the basic scientific research on these different products and services, it is very difficult to find the best acne scar treatment.
Why you want acne scar treatment?

The most common answer is to restore the appearance of face. So, the best acne scar treatment must revive the person’s original skin. Most of the person, who has acne scar, is always on the hunt of some treatment that gives them back their look of the face before they had acne.
There are some persons who are very much affected, both psychologically and emotionally by the acne scar; on the other hand there are some persons who don’t mind to live with the acne scar.
How to select the best acne scar treatment?
It is not advisable to name a product or service as the best treatment for acne scar. Since individual requirement is different from person to person and all skins are not equal. But there are some guidelines which help in selecting the best treatment for acne scar.
What are the guidelines?
Following are some of the important points, one should consider while selecting the treatment for acne scar.
  1. Inquire about how much the treatment costs. The treatment of acne scar starts from few dollars to thousands of dollars. You must be clear about how much money you are going to spend on the acne scar treatment.
  2. Find out the theory behind the treatment and how it works on your skin. There are some products and services which removes the top layer of your skin, while there are products and services that work by removing the scars.
  3. Before applying any products to your skin, be sure that you are not allergic to it by applying small amount of that product on your skin and watch the reaction for 24 hours.
  4. Don’t be prejudice with a particular acne scar treatment and be skeptical about the tall claims. Avoid the products and services that claims miraculous cure. Also avoid those treatments which are not guaranteed. (I come across a product for acne scar treatment that asks you to apply their product for six months for best results and it has only 3 months guarantee!!)
Thank you for reading my blog

Friday, January 7, 2011

Squeezing Blackheads - 3 Careful Ways to Squeeze Blackheads in Preserving a Smooth Skin

One of the common causes of thwarting and uneasiness is having blackheads on face. Some of us may even want to clinch those blackheads notwithstanding all the risks we can get after eliminating it. However, do not easily get discouraged as there are so many ways to remove blackheads.

Let us first know what a blackhead really is. This are formed from follicles with broader openings than the normal follicles, which often filled with oily matter from the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Those who have oily skin are more prone to having blackheads than people with normal and younger looking skin.
At this era, you will no longer worry about having blackheads on your face because it is very much easier to treat and cure unlike those days when there are no available solutions. This type of acne is best treated with get rid of sebum and dead skin cells through the pores of your skin.
As for solving problems on acne, you just have to remember one important thing. The resolution of acne cannot be totally eliminated for one night or a day. Patience is a virtue here because there will be several iterations on the process and treatments.
There are three easy ways to eliminate blackheads:
  • Black removal strips can be used to remove blackheads. This can easily be purchased in the market due to the safeness of the adhesive on the strips. Once you remove the tape, you can see the effects because you can see black spots removed.
  • Natural methods are also one of the safest ways to apply and remove blackheads since it won't damage your skin that much. An instance of this is the application of acid from tomato cubes
  • You can also use natural methods that are safer and doesn't damage your skin. Exfoliation is another option that is better than squeeze the blackheads. Examples are the acid from frozen tomato cubes that can exfoliate the skin and keep pores clean.
Just one thing you should remember: solving acne problems can't be done overnight. You need to be patient because it will take time and several trials and errors, as well as several repeated sessions and treatments. The fact is that to prevent and treat acne, it must be done in a continuous process.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads - 9 Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads are small deposits of dust, oil and as well as bacteria in the pores of the skin. There are various ways get rid of blackheads. To get rid of blackheads there are plenty of blackhead treatments. Blackhead treatments can get into pores to kill the bacteria and removes the dirt and oil out of the pores. People who have more oily skin are prone to blackheads. Blackhead removal is the most difficult part of maintaining healthy skin. Blackheads also appear on the nose and forehead. It is always better to visit a dermatologist who would give you suggestions on how to get rid of blackheads.

If you follow the tips below it would be easier for you to get rid of blackheads.
  1. Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser and warm water. Wash your face whenever you feel its getting oily.
  2. Do not apply make-up on skin that is prone to get blackheads.
  3. Avoid using bar soaps. Excess moisturizers can cause increase in oil on your skin.
  4. Try using a different and clean towel to wipe your face. Always maintain a separate towel one for your face and the other one for your body.
  5. Avoid oily foods to get rid of blackheads.. Eat foods like carrot, and other fruits and vegetables that do not contain much oil.
  6. Change pillowcase as often as possible. The oil produced by hair can accumulate on pillow case and then get into your face.
  7. Take hot steam on your face will soften the blackheads which in turn help in easy removal. Hot steam widens the pores and allows removing excess oil. This is one of the recommended ways to get rid of blackheads.
  8. Avoid using creamy products which reduces chances of blackheads.
  9. Regular cleansing is recommended whether blackheads are present or not. If the skin is left unclean more dirt is attracted to the skin.
If you want to get rid of blackheads, the best way to start is to determine its cause. Blackheads are caused by a buildup of oil in the pores. Its important, that you care for your skin in order to get rid of blackheads. Before applying anything on your skin, consult your dermatologist or skin specialist for blackhead removal. Be sure whatever you apply is suitable for your skin. Never try to pick the blackhead; it's not a good way to get rid of blackheads. If you follow the tips mentioned above you can get rid of blackheads fast.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads - 9 Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads are small deposits of dust, oil and as well as bacteria in the pores of the skin. There are various ways get rid of blackheads. To get rid of blackheads there are plenty of blackhead treatments. Blackhead treatments can get into pores to kill the bacteria and removes the dirt and oil out of the pores. People who have more oily skin are prone to blackheads. Blackhead removal is the most difficult part of maintaining healthy skin. Blackheads also appear on the nose and forehead. It is always better to visit a dermatologist who would give you suggestions on how to get rid of blackheads.
If you follow the tips below it would be easier for you to get rid of blackheads.

  1. Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser and warm water. Wash your face whenever you feel its getting oily.
  2. Do not apply make-up on skin that is prone to get blackheads.
  3. Avoid using bar soaps. Excess moisturizers can cause increase in oil on your skin.
  4. Try using a different and clean towel to wipe your face. Always maintain a separate towel one for your face and the other one for your body.
  5. Avoid oily foods to get rid of blackheads.. Eat foods like carrot, and other fruits and vegetables that do not contain much oil.
  6. Change pillowcase as often as possible. The oil produced by hair can accumulate on pillow case and then get into your face.
  7. Take hot steam on your face will soften the blackheads which in turn help in easy removal. Hot steam widens the pores and allows removing excess oil. This is one of the recommended ways to get rid of blackheads.
  8. Avoid using creamy products which reduces chances of blackheads.
  9. Regular cleansing is recommended whether blackheads are present or not. If the skin is left unclean more dirt is attracted to the skin.
If you want to get rid of blackheads, the best way to start is to determine its cause. Blackheads are caused by a buildup of oil in the pores. Its important, that you care for your skin in order to get rid of blackheads. Before applying anything on your skin, consult your dermatologist or skin specialist for blackhead removal. Be sure whatever you apply is suitable for your skin. Never try to pick the blackhead; it's not a good way to get rid of blackheads. If you follow the tips mentioned above you can get rid of blackheads fast.

3 Acne Scar Products to Wipe Those Scars Away for Good and Improved Skin Complexion

This article will share some of the products that vanishes away the scars on your face. This includes some of the prescribed products from a doctor and over the counter products that will improve skin complexion and even out the tone in your face. Having a very smooth and glowing skin is keeping a treasure for yourself.
You can try some of the acne scar products below and see it after a few days or weeks depending upon the response of your skin.

  • Mederma - aids to smoothen and polish your skin through getting rid of the rough surfaces on your skin. This gel like product usually placed in a tube can be applied directly to your skin, thus scars disappear easily in just days or so. Mederma can be purchased directly on different pharmacies and stores anywhere.
  • Microdermabrasion - the main purpose of microdermabrasion is to increase a speedy recovery of the skin that will shed out acne on the surface. It will also follow a procedure wherein the outmost layer of the skin is peeled off using an aluminum oxide crystal. This is in the form of kit which can be purchased directly on drugstores or when prescribed by your dermatologist.
  • Chemical Peels - This product is mostly mild when applied to the skin which is brought about by a chemical made from glycolic acid. It will thus give you an improved appearance on your skin drastically. However, be cautious when apply too much of this product on your skin since this will burn your skin. Make sure when you are going to purchase this product, your dermatologist or a physician knows about it.
If your acne has long been in your face, trying out these products will surely help you a lot to improve your skin complexion. Also, it will be good to maintain taking in foods that will enhance your skin such as fruits and vegetables.
Lastly, it can be said that one of the best ways to prevent acne from occurring is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are using these acne scar products but still you do not get to sleep earlier, eating fatty foods and exposed to dust, acne will likely continue to grow in your skin. Remember that it is better to prevent that cure.

The Acne Scar Removal

All women long to have clear, blemish free skin. Acne remains a serious concern for all women. Acne scar removal is a concern that is being addressed by skin care experts around the world. Many people have to deal with acne throughout their lives, and acne scar removal becomes a bigger concern after an outbreak. Unfortunately, it is not a condition seen only during puberty. Good skin is a blessing and the pollution, changing lifestyles and food habits, have continued to make life difficult and turn our skin into more of a mess than ever. In the midst of all this, not only does a person have to bear the painful and sometimes large acne on their skin, but also with the scars remaining from the acne, eventually. Scar removal is a process that is long drawn and involves a schematic and systematic change in the diet, habits and routines of a person.

Visible acne scars, continue to remain a concern for low self esteem, stress and increased self consciousness among men and women, particularly in the west. Thanks to continued advancements in science; dermatologists now offer many solutions and cures for acne and for dealing with these unsightly blemishes and scars. You can have a healthy glowing skin as always, and be the belle of the ball again!
How to remove this?
How to get rid of acne scars is one more question that haunts many. Acne scars may be depressed scars or raised ones, and based on this, there are different treatment methods. While laser treatment is also employed, it can do more harm than good, and can burn the skin badly, if not done by a well trained professional. The scar is removed by removing the damaged part of the skin, using surgical tools and then the depression is filled in with a skin graft, from another region. The acne scar removal through surgery requires careful treatment after the surgery, and immediate effects cannot be seen. Changing bandages at home and soaking the skin, to soothe the tiredness and soreness, is important to the eventual healing process.
Another method of acne scar removal is to use a chemical peel prescribed by a well authorized dermatologist. The chemical peel can go down to deeper layers of the skin, and some redness may also be experienced. All peels require follow up care, including protection from harmful exposure to the sun.
In addition to all this, it is essential to eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get good exercise. All these play key roles in giving a healthy and glowing skin to every one!

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - You Must Not Leave Any Loop Hole

If you are here to read this article, it shows that you are looking for some treatment about acne scars. Before you proceed further I would like to ask you few questions:
  • What is your main consideration about scars and their removal?
  • Why are you hesitating to visit the dermatologist?
  • Is cost the biggest hindrance involved in acne laser treatment?
  • Is it something else which hinders you to get rid of scars?
If any of the above is your concern then you must proceed.
The costs involved in acne scar laser treatments depend upon degree of scars and type of the skin. An average patient has to go through a treatment termed "Fraxel" in consecutive 3 months. The treatment is then repeated after 6 months of last laser treatment.
55% to 70 % improvement can be noticed in around 90 % patients after 3 months treatment. Side effects of acne scar laser treatment involve swelling and redness of the treated area. There aren't any scarring, wounds or discoloration caused because of laser.
The intensity and the size of the scars determine the cost of the treatment. Larger affected area needs more treatments and time; as the result the cost also increases.
A rough estimate says that for the treatment of minor scars of acne the person must be prepared to pay US $ 700 ~ US $ 1500. Severe scar treatment may require around US $ 3500 ~ US $ 5500. The geographic location and credentials of dermatologists also influence the cost.

Advice on What Causes Acne

Today acne is becoming and issue affecting all different ages of people, even though it is particularly dreaded by teenagers. However, there are no doubts the fact that teenagers are more likely to suffer from the problem as compared with others. In fact, there are numerous treatment products available that can help alleviate the condition Therefore, it definitely pays to learn what causes acne before you look for treatment methods for the skin condition. The skin disorder, acne, occurs when skin gets inflamed. You won't be able to take action with this disorder as effectively as possible if you don't understand what causes acne.
Some people are of the option that what causes acne really is disruption of male hormones (testosterone) though in fact, it is really an intense kind of response to testosterone by the body that causes acne. Usually people will grow out of their acne. While we grow older acne symptoms tend to slow down and rarely show up, except for the few of us who are lucky enough to be an except to this rule.
Also, there are several misconceptions when it comes to what causes acne that need to be eliminated. As a matter of fact, many of the commercials that deal with selling acne products help propagate the misconceptions.
To break it all down, there is a quite a bit to be learned about what causes acne, and in general, acne. Puberty is certainly a time in a person's life when the risk of acne is greatest. This is the time when the body starts to produce testosterone which is converted into dihydrotesterone which in turn, causes secretion of oil. If you have to much secretion, oil is going to block pores and cause acne. Another way to look at what causes acne is understanding that a condition known as retention hyperkeratosis makes the body produce too many skin cells.Actually, it is much more than our bodies could shed or get rid of. Now this causes extra skin cells to clog up the pores of the skin. Along with excess oil and skin cells, too much dirt and bacteria could cause acne - especially if they can grow close to the skins surface.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a disorder that is caused by the sebaceous gland of the skin. This gland is more commonly known as the hair follicle. The skin is covered with these tiny openings. The only exceptions to this are the bottom of the feet, the palms of the hand, the top of the feet, and the lower part of the lips. The chest, upper part of the neck, and the face are the parts of the body with the most sebaceous glands on them. This is what causes acne to be more common in these areas.

Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands. This substance is what is responsible for the hair and skin staying soft and moisturized. When an individual is in the teens or pubescent years, these glands are larger than normal and the amount of sebum produced is being controlled by the large amounts of hormones in the body. Once the individual makes it to around twenty years of age, the amount of secretion will begin to go down as the hormone levels regulate themselves.
There is a bacterial substance on the skin that is medically known as Propionibacterium acnes. This is what causes acne to arise on the skin. This bacteria grows and thrives on the sebum. During the years of puberty, the propionibacterium acnes bacteria are at its highest level because the sebum level is also high. Individuals who have acne have an overgrowth of the bacteria in the sebaceous glands than those who do not suffer from acne.
When the bacteria are present, the white blood cells are also present in the gland. The white blood cells are damaging to the follicle wall and this brings the sebum and bacteria into the dermis layer of the skin. The bacteria can also activate the fatty acids in the body and cause further irritation to the gland. The gland swells from this activity and what causes acne to appear.
Normal glands will produce sebum that will join with exfoliating cells of the skin and this will make the gland full. The gland will then let these ingredients out causing the face to feel oily. If nothing is in the way to hinder this process, the skin stays in balance with the correct moisture it needs and stays strong and healthy. When the sebum and cells in the gland are not able to come out as they should, the skin gets dry in spots and the result of the clogged gland is a blackhead or whitehead. There is no known reason for this occurrence but it is what causes acne to be a problem.



Acne is formed by a collection of sebum (oil), bacteria and dead cells trapped in the lining of the hair follicle (skin pore). Acne is not purely a teenage predicament, 20-40% of the adults do encounter problems with acne. Here, you can explore the top rated acne treatment products and compare 30 acne treatments & 20 acne medications on the market that work well. If you cannot decide which is the most suitable treatment for your skin type, continue reading.