Monday, January 24, 2011

What Is the Best Treatment for Acne?

Is there an effective treatment of acne by a medical practitioner or dermatologists? In this era; is the alternative solution to cure acne naturally a myth or fact? Do you believe that there is a miracle instant cure by administering conventional drugs and creams on the superficial symptoms? The fact is acne, among other diseases cannot be cured simply.

However, most suffers with acne problems would still approach dermatologist for treatment. Dermatologists are respected by most people as specialist in their field. Their solution to most suffer is by tackling the problem on external symptom and they cannot tell the patients what the causes of the acne but they are highly the result of overactive oil glands in our skin.

Contrary, a Chinese physician believe it is the internal conditions of Yin and Yang imbalance that causes the "heat" in the internal organs, which cause your acne to form outside your body, particularly your face in the first place. If you do not agree with me do your own research and check with your dermatologist.
There is a saying in Chinese idiom; "to clear the grasses without getting rid of its root, the grasses will grow again when summer winds blow". This is the wonderful analogy best describing the western principle of clinical treatment to acne.

Since the source of the problem; the root cause affecting acne growth externally is not eliminated. Clinical treatment is not an effective cure of the acne permanently; it will relapse in on time.

Everyone seems to be contented with the finding ways to "control acne" or "live with acne" as a chronic sickness. No one is out to cure anyone because there is only little monetary incentive in doing so. Instead, by keeping you temporary cured that deal merely with the symptoms while ignoring the source or the internal cause of the disease is really anyone out to do for you these days. By doing so, sufferers will become more and more reliant on drugs that temporarily calm the symptoms; they are being forced to buy all the same drugs and creams over and over again... If somebody shows you how to cure acne... they would not have made much money out from you, right?

I do not know about you, but for me I do not want to have to depend on some big drug company to keep my face radiant and healthy just so that I can give them more of my hard earned money every month, jolly know that there isn't drug to "cure".

Today, the treatment of Acne by Drugs brings in multi million $ every single day worldwide for doctors, dermatologist and pharmaceutical companies.
With this kind of money at stake, big pharma company is going to silence the information about the "Natural" cure and alternatives treatment.


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