Monday, January 24, 2011

What is the Best Acne Product?

Nearly everyone at one point in their lives suffer from acne be it a one-off, mild, moderate or severe form of acne.

Acne occurs primarily at the adolescent stage with hormones and sebaceous glands (sebum - excess oil) on overdrive mode. When there is excess oil on the face, the pores become blocked resulting in acne of these common forms: blackheads (when pores are partially blocked), whiteheads (when pores are fully blocked), nodules (coin sized hard bumps under the skin) and cysts (like nodules, except filled with pus). Acne can also occur on the back, shoulders and chest.

As common as acne occurs, it is as common that hormones stabilize for most people by their early 20s which means no more acne; though some might be left with post battle scars. For females, there may be a once in a blue moon occurrence during the menstrual cycles. However there are also some people who suffer from acne way past their adolescent stage. This can be a permanent issue and can have devastating effects both physically and mentally.

It is IMPORTANT to note here though that whether it is a mild, moderate or severe form of acne, ALL ACNE FORMS CAN BE TREATED and kept under check.

For severe forms of acne, it is always best to consult with a dermatologist who will be able to prescribe specific medications (i.e.accutane) based on your acne form. For moderate to mild forms of acne, made-for-acne products like Proactiv, Zenmed or drugstore brands like Neutrogena or Biore should suffice. That said, one must remember no one acne product is a miracle cure despite the claims.

An acne product can help prevent acne but to be rid of acne means looking after your 'insides'. Eliminating acne consists of 2 steps in tandem: best acne product + healthy diet = Healthy Glowing Skin.


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