Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Non Prescription Acne Treatment - Why it Does Not Work

Prescription acne treatment is widely used to treat acne but they are not a true solution for acne. Using prescription treatment means that you will be using various drugs to help deal with you acne. Most of these drugs only deal with problems such as removing blackheads, white heads, killing acne bacteria or drying out your skin but they usually consist of side effects and they are not effective as a long term cure.imagedss

There are prescription drugs such as Accutane that consist of retin-A. Accutane can help to keep your skin acne free as they stop sebum production, keep away blackheads and whiteheads which make it impossible for acne to happen. However they consist of severe side effects like dry skin, redness on skin, chapped lips and etc. Your acne also can reappear after you stop using this drug.

Another popular prescription drug would be antibiotic. Antibiotics is can only help to kill off the bacteria that causes acne. However they also kill the good bacteria that are essential for a healthy body. Antibiotics also does not help in the long run since bacteria may evolve and you will need to take higher dosage each time your acne break out.

As you can see that prescription acne treatment such as using antibiotics or Accutane will not be able to help you cure your acne in the long run. Once you stop taking these drugs, acne will resurface once again. The main causes of acne are namely hormonal imbalance, clogging of pores and toxins build up in the body. The drugs are not able to touch these issues and it is only through using holistic methods that you can get rid of the causes and acne once and for all.

What you have to do to get rid of hormonal imbalance is not by taking antibiotics or any other drugs, the first thing you need to do is to keep a lookout on what you are eating. Most people are eating a junk food diet nowadays and it can cause disruption to the harmony in our body. Eating meat that are injected with steroids and antibiotics can cause disruption to our body inner balance and hence leading to acne. Milk also contains hormones from pregnancy cows and when ingested, it can disrupt our hormones level.

Instead of thinking about taking prescription acne treatment, try to adopt the holistic way of healing and start by looking at what you eat. Avoid eating meat, dairy products and foods that contain high sugar content. Replace these foods with natural foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. The only way to get rid of acne is to get rid of the main causes and it is only possible by trying to heal your body using holistic methods.


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