Monday, January 24, 2011

Blue Light Acne Treatment: The Best Solution in Treating Acne

Almost everyone, aging from 13 to 40 years of age, is not spared from having problems with acne. Even I was not spared. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when there is a buildup of oil (sebum) blocked under the skin. This oil stimulates bacteria to multiply causing the tissues around it to get inflamed which lead to pimple occurring on the outer surface of the skin. Some would blame it on unstable hormones, oily food and stress but the actual cause of this is not certain. The good news is, gone were the days when a person has to undergo painful acne treatment.imagdsdss

Traditional treatment of acne would include having to endure the pricking of pimples to take out the white heads, blackheads and injections to extract the pus out from the bigger and stubborn zit. Zealous daily cleansing and application of topical ointment is then required. Others were given oral prescriptions and even advised to stay out of the glaring sun. So much fuss and so much hassle! Nowadays comparative studies have shown that the best solution to acne problem is Blue Light Acne treatment. This FDA approved blue light therapy is getting worldwide advertisement and recognition due to the high percentage of effective and painless treatments done on a big number of patients.

I would like to explain how this treatment works. A bacterium in our skin produces a product called Porphyrin which can absorb blue light. Once it absorbs this light, it will lead to a chemical reaction that destroys the bacteria that causes acne. Patients who come to me for Blue Light Acne treatment will certainly find it very comfortable and painless. Typically, a regular package would include eight 15-mins session of exposure to the light for a month's time. After each short session, patients can always go back to work or any normal routine without feeling any discomfort. There is no lesion on the skin thus it is painless. After a month of treatment, you will notice a lot of improvements and even clearing up in your skin.

There are some very slight side effects in this acne treatment like few skin pigment occurrences, stinging, swelling and skin dryness. All of which were found to be temporary.

So many people are coming to me because of the proven benefits and effective results brought by Blue Light Acne treatment. If you are having stubborn acne problems, you can be assured that it can now be easily treated.


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