Monday, January 24, 2011

Acne Treatment For Sensitive Skin - 3 Methods For Caring For Your Skin Sensitivity Issues

You have quite a selection in terms of acne treatment for sensitive skin. In addition to using an acne lotion that is suitable for individuals with sensitive skin you might also want to use a soap to deal with body acne that is appropriate for dealing with skin sensitivity.

What's more, there are some holistic things you can do to deal with acne that will not hurt your skin. Such methods include:

  • The Use of L-Carnitine
  • The Use of Niacinamide Gel
  • The Use of Vitamin A
The Use of L-Carnitine

L-Carnitine, sometimes simply identified as Carnitine, is a supplement that helps improve the body's circulatory processes and the strength of the vascular system. This supplement is found naturally in foods like peanut butter, wheat, lamb, poultry, avocados, and fish. Researchers have revealed that supplementing L-Carnitine can help remedy issues with dry skin too. You can take three grams of this supplement each day to remedy acne problems.

The Use of Niacinamide Gel

Niacinamide is an ingredient in some skin gels that helps to diminish issues with dry skin and acne. You will want a product that contains four percent Niacinamide to gain its full effect. You can use the gel up to two times each day to deal with acne without aggravating your skin.

The Use of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is found in Retinol products used to deal with acne formations. Supplementing Vitamin A in your diet will also help your skin condition improve. You can eat foods containing a lot of this vitamin including things like peaches, apricots, squash, carrots, mangos, and sweet potatoes. Alternatively, you can take it in capsule form and use 700 to 900 micromilligrams each day to improve your skin condition.


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